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Australian Trust Registration

Register your Family / Discretionary or Unit Trust through Company123

. We offer professional trust registration service, drafted by a Commercial Lawyer with over 30 years legal experience. The trust with documents are delivered to you instantly once below form is completed.

Simply complete a short form and submit and your trust documents will be emailed to you instantly. If you have any questions regarding Trust registration, we are here to help you.
Please call (03) 98320660
to speak with our Trust specialists
to discuss your specific requirements.
We would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Please provide your email address for document delivery purposes

You already registered with email {{ }}. Please check inbox for password.

Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address. User already exist. Please login
Email address and confirm email address must be same.

What type of trust do you prefer?

Can't be blank
Discretionary Trust or Unit Trust Can be registered using our service.

What name do you wish the Trust to have?

Can't be blank
You are free to choose any suitable name for your Trust. We advise that this name should be appropriate and reflects the nature of the Trust's business (if applicable), i.e Smith Family Trust, Smith Unit Trust, Smith Discretionary Trust

What date will the deed be established?

Please, enter the date of trust establishing

Which jurisdiction's laws apply to the Trust Deed?

Can't be blank
Please select the state where the trust is established. Each state has different laws that apply to the trust deed. Different stamp duty rates apply in different states. Please note: Late payment may incur penalty duty.

The following are stamp duty rates:
ACT No Payments required -
NEW SOUTH WALES $500 ($10 per counterpart) 90 days from date of deed
NORTHERN TERRITORY $20 ($5 per counterpart) 60 days from date of deed
QUEENSLAND No Payments required -
SOUTH AUSTRALIA No Payments required -
TASMANIA No Payments required -
VICTORIA $200 ($0 per counterpart) 30 days from date of deed
WESTERN AUSTRALIA No Payments required -

What is the name of the settlor for the trust?

Unacceptable word used in personal name Can't be blank
Unacceptable word used in personal name
Unacceptable word used in personal name Please complete this field Can't be blank
A SETTLOR must be an independent person (somebody not related to you in any way). They are responsible for setting up the trust and naming the beneficiaries, the trustee and, if there is one, the appointor.

It’s advisable not to specify individuals as settlor who are to be beneficiaries or trustees or whose spouse or children are to be beneficiaries of the Trust now or in the future. This supports and adds strengths existence of the Discretionary Trust.

What is the settlor's address?

Settlor presently resides Overseas

How much will the settlor be contributing to settle the trust?

Can't be blank The value is not a valid integer
The Trust will be properly legally constituted if an amount of money is settled on the Trust. It is advisable that the minimum settlement sum is at least $10.00.

What is the price for ordinary units?

Can't be blank The value is not a valid integer

How many joint holdings will there be?

Can't be blank
Unit-holders may jointly hold units in the Unit Trust. For example up to 3 persons may jointly own a unit rather than each having to purchase 1 unit. Please note, there are implications for the unit-holders if they choose to hold a unit jointly. Legal advice should be sought. Alternative is to allocate separate title of units.

How many Unit Holders will there be?

Can't be blank
Each unit holder is similar to a shareholder in a company and percentage of ownership is based on percentage of units held in a unit trust.
Joint Unit Holder {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.jointHolders.length }}
Can't be blank
Unit Holder {{ $index + 1 }}
Sole Unit Holder {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.soleHolders.length }}
Can't be blank

How many appointors will there be?

An APPOINTER is a person who has the power to appoint and remove the trustee. The appointor is also commonly referred to as a guardian, protector, or principal.

The Appointor's role is to replace/remove the Trustee as required. It is advisable to consider whether an appointor is required and legal advice should be sought especially in situations of death or insolvency of trustee.
Can't be blank
Appointor {{ $index + 1 }}

How many trustees will there be?

Can't be blank
A TRUSTEE is a person or firm that holds and administers property or assets for the benefit of a third party. TRUSTEES are trusted to make decisions in the beneficiary’s best interests and have a fiduciary responsibility to the trust beneficiaries. You can have multiple Trustees in a Trust.
Trustee {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.trustees.length }}

The trustee must attend the meeting to establish the trust

Where and when will the meeting be held?
Can't be blank
Please, enter the date of meeting
Please, enter the time of meeting
Who will chair the meeting?
Can't be blank

How many beneficiaries will the Trust have when established?

Can't be blank
A BENEFICIARY is the individual or group of individuals for whom a trust is created. The trust creator or grantor designates beneficiaries and a trustee, who has a fiduciary duty to manage trust assets in the best interests of beneficiaries as outlined in the trust agreement.

Beneficiary is entitled to receive net income/capital of the trust. Selection is important. If the Trust ever changes trustees at a time when the Trust has selected types of assets (e.g real estate/land) that are primarily situated in New South Wales or the ACT (ONLY). If the Trust does alter/change trustees and at that time the Trust Deed does not exclude the trustee from being a beneficiary, then stamp duty may apply on the transfer of those assets to the new trustee. (Other states do not have this stamp duty levy rely on change of trustees)
Beneficiary {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.beneficiaries.length }}

I would like to register for the following:

for my new trust for just $70.
  • Every NEW trust needs its own Australian Business Number(ABN), Tax File Number(TFN) and GST.
  • GST is required if annual turnover exceeds $75k.
  • Same business day registration and delivery by Tax Agent.

Please provide personal TFN of:

Can't be blank Invalid TFN entered, please try again
{{ director.checkDate.invalidMessage }}
Personal TFN are 9-digit numbers.
Trustee's TFN must be provided in order to get trust’s ABN,
otherwise it will be rejected by ABR.

Please provide description of the business your trust will be conducting:

Can't be blank Can't be more than 40 characters

Annual expected turnover of trust?

How often will the trust lodge GST?

If your Turnover exceeds $75k per financial year you must report GST on a quarterly basis. If turn over is less than $75k per year annual option is available.

Does the trust intend to account for GST on a Cash basis?

GST is payable on income derived on a Cash basis, when income is received from the Customer.
GST may be claimed on expenses when physical payment is made to a GST registered supplier.
GST is payable on income derived on a Accruals basis, when and invoice is issued to the Customer (irrespective when a payment is made).
GST may be claimed on expenses incurred when supplier presents you with a tax invoice.

Do you import goods or services into Australia?

Purchase first year of Accounting and Taxation service at 50% Discount.
Special introduction price to Company123 customers of {{ '$' + specialFee }}.

Company123 Pty Ltd is a registered Tax agent #25873469 with over 20 years local & International Tax experience, backed up by Charted Accountant.

Special discounted price included preparation of Company financial accounts and Tax returns. (50% Discount!)

Please, enter your name

Unacceptable word used in personal name Can't be blank
Unacceptable word used in personal name
Unacceptable word used in personal name Please complete this field Can't be blank
Can't be blank

Summary of your order

Our Fees of $AUD 149 includes all required legal documents
Printing, Binding and Courier in a durable document case for $AUD 55 (exc. GST)
Would you like to order documents delivery?
Total Cost
{{ }} $AUD {{ item.amount }}

Any Printing orders before 10 AM will be delivered on the same day in Sydney metro area.
All other orders will be delivered next working day.

Where do you want us to deliver your company documents?

Can't be blank

Are there any special printing or delivery instructions?

In Special Printing or delivery insructions please instruct us on issues such as

  • OK to leave at front door
  • Any other instruction
You may enter up to 255 characters. The instructions length is too long!
characters left

Trust Information

What is the name of the Trust? {{ trust.trustName }}
When will the deed be established? {{ trust.dateEstablished | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy' }}
Which jurisdiction's laws apply to the Trust Deed? {{ }}
What is the name of the settlor? {{ trust.settlor ? getFullName(trust.settlor) : '' }}
What is the settlor's address? {{ getAddressString(trust.settlor) }}
How much is the settlor contributing to settle the trust? {{ trust.settlor.settledSum }}
What type of trust do you prefer? {{ trust.trustType }}

Unit Holders / Appointors

What is the price for ordinary units? {{ trust.ordinaryUnitsPrice }}
Joint Unit Holder {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.jointHolders.length }}
Name of another trust for which the unitholder holds the units
{{ jointHolder.anotherTrustName }}
Unit Holder {{ $index + 1 }}
Will it execute the Trust Deed by affixing its common seal?
{{ person.isExecuteCommonSeal }}
Who will witness the affixing of the unit holder's common seal to the Trust Deed?
Who will sign the Trust Deed on behalf of the unit holder?
Two directors:
Director and a secretary:
Sole director and the company secretary:
Sole director (who is also the company secretary):
{{ person.firstTrustDeedPerson }}
{{ person.secondTrustDeedPerson }}
{{ person.firstTrustDeedPerson }}
Name: {{ person.firstName }} {{ person.middleName }} {{ person.lastName }} {{ }}
Type of Company: {{ person.legalElements }}
ACN: {{ person.registrationNumber }}
Sole Unit Holder {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.soleHolders.length }}
Name of another trust for which the unitholder holds the units
{{ person.anotherTrustName }}
Will it execute the Trust Deed by affixing its common seal?
{{ person.isExecuteCommonSeal }}
Who will witness the affixing of the unit holder's common seal to the Trust Deed?
Who will sign the Trust Deed on behalf of the unit holder?
Two directors:
Director and a secretary:
Sole director and the company secretary:
Sole director (who is also the company secretary):
{{ person.firstTrustDeedPerson }}
{{ person.secondTrustDeedPerson }}
{{ person.firstTrustDeedPerson }}
Name: {{ person.firstName }} {{ person.middleName }} {{ person.lastName }} {{ }}
Type of Company: {{ person.legalElements }}
ACN: {{ person.registrationNumber }}
Name: {{ person.firstName }} {{ person.middleName }} {{ person.lastName }} {{ }}
Type of Company: {{ person.legalElements }}
ACN: {{ person.registrationNumber }}

Trustees / Beneficiaries

Trustee {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ trust.trustees.length }}
Name: {{ person.firstName }} {{ person.middleName }} {{ person.lastName }} {{ }}
Type of Company: {{ person.legalElements }}
ACN: {{ person.registrationNumber }}
Chairperson: {{ person.chairperson }}
Name: {{ person.firstName }} {{ person.middleName }} {{ person.lastName }} {{ }}
Type of Company: {{ person.legalElements }}
ACN: {{ person.registrationNumber }}
Customer name {{ getFullName(trust.customer) }}
Contact Phone {{ trust.applicantPhone }}

Where do you want us to deliver your company documents?

Delivery Address:
{{ trust.deliveryAddress }}

Special Delivery Instructions

{{ trust.instructions }}
You must uphold an agreement. I / we apply for the establishment of a trust on the basis of the information submitted in the form. I / we have the necessary consent and agreements from the individuals named in the form to fulfil their specified roles. The information provided in this application and in any annexures is true and correct at the time of signing.
I / we acknowledge that any changes that have to be made to the trust due to error or mistake may be subject to a nominal fee which is subject to the Company123 support staff discretion.