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03 9832 0660

Online Company Reinstatement

Please provide company details

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Can't be blank The value is not a valid integer! The value length is incorrect! (expected 9 digits) The value is not a valid integer! Checking... Can't find ACN. Please, enter it manually

Only PTY LTD company is available.

Please check if the company name is still available before going forward.

If the company name is no longer available, we will reinstate the company with its name as the Australian Company number (ACN) followed by the legal elements (e.g. ACN 901 901 901 Pty Ltd.).

Reinstatement cost calculator

{{ '$' + appFee }}
{{ '$' + calculateTotal(reviewFeesSelected) }}
{{ '$' + ourFee }}
{{ '$' + comp.reviewFeesTotal }}

The figure provided doesn’t include amounts owing at the time of deregistration.

We would contact you if there is any ASIC outstanding balance.

Contact Details

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