Customer Service 24/7
03 9832 0660

Please provide your email address for document delivery purposes

You already registered with email {{ }} . Please check inbox for password.

Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address. User already exist. Please login
Email address and confirm email address must be same.

Do you have a proposed name for your company?

If you tick “No”, a company will have an automatically generated number assigned by ASIC to its name i.e. 987 789 987 Pty Ltd.

How do you wish your Proprietary Limited to be described?

Proposed name must consist of more than symbols or punctuation marks Proposed name can`t contain type of company Can't be blank Checking... Name is identical to an already registered. Name is available for registration.
ASIC requires company names to be in capital letters (company name only excluding PTY LTD).
Can't be blank

Is your company name the same as your registered business name?

If you are a sole trader and own a business name and wish to set up a company with the same business name, please enter your Australian Business Number (ABN) – for business names registered with ASIC after 28th May 2012. Alternatively please enter your state business number if you wish to transfer the business name to a company (for registrations before 28th May 2012)

The value is not a valid ABN! Can't be blank

Enter Australian Business Number (ABN) for business names registered with ASIC after 28 May 2012


Provide Details of Registered State Business Name for business names registered before 28 May 2012 .

# What is the registered Business Number? In which State is this Business Name registered?
{{ $index + 1 }}
Can't be blank
Can't be blank

I am interested in obtaining a free quote for Website Design or SEO Marketing services from an Aussie based specialist.

Please select one of the variants

SEO & Online Marketing help local business to rank higher and obtain more traffic from Google to acquire more customers and grow their business via the internet. Take the first step to grow and expand your business today by speaking to an Aussie based specialist .

Has your company name been reserved with ASIC?

A company name may be reserved before it is registered with ASIC. If you reserved the name with ASIC previously please enter a reservation number, otherwise select No to the question.

Provide Details of Company Reservation

Can't be blank

Who reserved the Company name?

Individual Another Entity

Individual’s Details

Unacceptable word used in personal name Can't be blank
Unacceptable word used in personal name Please complete this field Can't be blank

Provide Details of Entity

Can't be blank

Please select which State/Territory you wish to register the company in?

Can't be blank

Will the company be acting only as a trustee of a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)?

Annual registration fees vary for trustee companies of SMSFs compared to standard pty ltd companies.

Will the company have an ultimate holding company?

Provide Details of Holding Company

Can't be blank
The value is not a valid integer!
(If in Australia)
Can't be blank

Please enter a registered address for the company.

Every company is required to have a registered office in Australia for the purpose of all the communications and notices, which ASIC must be advised of. A post office box cannot be used as a registered office of a company.

Does any other company occupy the registered address other than the new company?

Where the company does not occupy the premises where its registered office is located, the occupier of the premises must agree in writing to have the company’s registered office located in the premises.

Can't be blank

Will the Company’s registered Office be the principal place of business in Australia ?

If a company has a principal place of business that is different from its registered office, ASIC must be notified of the principal place of business if it differs from the registered office.

Principal Place of Business

Share Structure – Select the class of shares that will be issued by the company.

(In most cases ORDINARY shares are appropriate for a basic trading company)

At least one share class is required

Share Class Shares to be Allotted
(Enter Number of shares)
Value per Share Total Share Capital

How many Individual Directors will your company have?

According to ASIC rules a proprietary company must have at least 1 director normally residing in Australia.

(Min. 1 Max. 10 allowed)

How many Individual Shareholders will your company have who will not be acting as Directors?

Shareholders can be selected who are not directors of your company.

(Min. 0 Max. 5 allowed)

Are there other companies who will own shares in your company? If yes, select number.

(Min. 0 Max. 5 allowed)

Will there be any Joint Shareholders who will own shares in your company? If yes, select a number.

There is a maximum of Two Individuals or Two Companies who can own shares your company jointly.

(Min. 0 Max. 5 allowed)

Who will be the secretary of this company?

Please select one of the variants

Who will be the Public Officer of this company ?

Please select one of the variants

How will the first meeting of directors be held?

Please select one of the variants
Where and when will the first meeting of directors be held?
Please select one of the variants
Please, enter the date of meeting
Who will attend the first meeting of directors?
{{ check.attendMessage }}
Who will chair the meeting?
Please select one of the variants
When will the resolution be circulated?
Please, enter the date of meeting

Who will sign the share certificates?
(must be one or maximum two directors)

{{ check.signMessage }}

Please provide details of applicant who we can contact should ASIC have any queries

Please select one of the variants
Can't be blank

I would like to register for the following:

for my new company for just $50.
  • Every NEW company needs its own Australian Business Number(ABN), Tax File Number(TFN) and GST, even though you may have a sole trader ABN,
  • GST is required if annual turnover exceeds $75k.
  • Same business day registration and delivery by Tax Agent.

Please provide personal TFN of:

Can't be blank Invalid TFN entered, please try again
Personal TFN are 9-digit numbers.
Director's TFN must be provided in order to get company’s ABN,
otherwise it will be rejected by ABR.

Please provide description of the business your company will be conducting:

Can't be blank Can't be more than 40 characters

Annual expected turnover of company?

How often will the company lodge GST?

If your Turnover exceeds $75k per financial year you must report GST on a quarterly basis. If turn over is less than $75k per year annual option is available.

Does the company intend to account for GST on a Cash basis?

GST is payable on income derived on a Cash basis, when income is received from the Customer.
GST may be claimed on expenses when physical payment is made to a GST registered supplier.
GST is payable on income derived on a Accruals basis, when and invoice is issued to the Customer (irrespective when a payment is made).
GST may be claimed on expenses incurred when supplier presents you with a tax invoice.

Do you import goods or services into Australia?

Purchase first year of Accounting and Taxation service at 50% Discount.
Special introduction price to Company123 customers of {{ '$' + specialFee }}.

Company123 Pty Ltd is a registered Tax agent #25873469 with over 20 years local & International Tax experience, backed up by Charted Accountant.

Special discounted price included preparation of Company financial accounts and Tax returns. (50% Discount!)

Would you like to purchase a domain name?

Trademark Registration

Please select one option
Prevent copycats with exclusive rights to your company name. Just $510 plus GST per class for 10 years.

I want unlimited Tax & Legal Advice

Please select one of the variants

Affordable membership to unlimited consultations with qualified tax and legal specialists. View details.

Please select one option

I would like to purchase a Customised USB Flash drive with my company documents preloaded

Please select one of the variants
Great storage device, never lose your company documents $AUD 29 (exc. GST)


I would like to purchase a personalised Company Seal Stamp with my Company ACN

Please select one of the variants
Company Seal provides a legal alternative signature to the director's signature $AUD 39 (exc. GST)

Company Seal

I would like to purchase A4 customised frame of my ACN certificate.

Please select one of the variants
Proudly display your registered company certificate $AUD 30 (exc. GST)


Printing, Binding and Courier in a durable document case for $AUD 55 (exc. GST)

Optional – Receive all of your company documents professionally printed with 2 copies of the constitution, 1 bound & 1 loose all presented in a space saving document case.
Where do you want us to deliver your company documents?
Can't be blank
Any Printing orders before 10 AM will be delivered on the same day in Sydney metro area. All other orders will be delivered next working day.
Attention To:
Are there any special printing or delivery instructions?

In Special Printing or delivery instructions please instruct us on issues such as

  • OK to leave at front door
  • Any other instruction

Summary of your order

ASIC Fee $AUD 597

Our Fees of $AUD 50 includes -

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Minutes, Share Certificate (s) and registers
  • Constitution

(i.e. all required legal documents)

Company Information
Does the company have proposed name? {{ company.hasProposedName }}
What is the company's name? {{ company.proposedName }} {{ company.legalElements }}
Is this company name identical to a registered state business name (BN)? {{ company.registeredAsABN }}
Trademark Registration {{ company.purchaseTradeMark ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}
Details of Registered Business ABN: {{ company.ABN }}
Registered Business Number State
{{ regBN.number }} {{ }}
Has this company name already been reserved with the ASIC? {{ company.reservedWithASIC }}
Details of Reservation  
Reservation Number {{ company.reservationNumber }}
Who reserved the name ? {{ company.reservationType }}
Applicant's Name {{ company.reservApplicantFN }} {{ company.reservApplicantMN }} {{ company.reservApplicantLN }}
Entity's Name {{ company.reservEntity }}
In what state should the company be registered ? {{ }}
Will this company act only as trustee of SMSF ? {{ company.actAsTrustee }}
Will the company have an ultimate holding company? {{ company.hasUltimateHC }}
Details of Holding Company
Name {{ company.ultimateHCName }}
ACN {{ company.ultimateHCACN }}
Country of Incorporation {{ }}
What would be the registered office of this company ?
Care Of : {{ company.registeredOffice.careOf }}
Unit / Level : {{ company.registeredOffice.unit }}
Street Address : {{ company.registeredOffice.streetAddress }}
Suburb : {{ }}
State : {{ }}
Postcode : {{ company.registeredOffice.postcode.num }}
Country : {{ }}
Is the registered office occupied by an entity other than this new company ? {{ company.isOfficeOccupied }}
Name of Occupier {{ company.occupierName }}
Will the above registered Office be the company's principal place of business in
Australia ?
{{ company.isOfficePrincipalPlace }}
Details of Principal Place of Business
Unit / Level : {{ company.principalPlace.unit }}
Street Address : {{ company.principalPlace.streetAddress }}
Suburb : {{ }}
State : {{ }}
Postcode : {{ company.principalPlace.postcode.num }}
Country : {{ }}
Directors / Shareholders
Director {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.directors.length }}
Following are the details of Director {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.directors.length }}
Name : {{ director.firstName }} {{ director.middleName }} {{ director.lastName }}
Date of Birth : {{ }}/{{ director.dateOfBirth.month }}/{{ director.dateOfBirth.year }}
City of Birth : {{ }} {{ director.birthPlace.overseasCity }}
State of Birth : {{ }}
Country of Birth : {{ }}
Director Identification Number : {{ director.directorNumber || 'Not Provided' }}
Director Identification Number : {{ director.directorNumber || 'Not Requested' }}
Director Identification Number : {{ director.directorNumber || 'Requested' }}
Tax File Number (TFN) : {{ director.directorTfn }}
Contact Phone : {{ director.directorPhone }}
Contact Email : {{ director.directorEmail }}

Shareholder who is Not acting as Director {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.nonDirectors.length }}
Following are the details of Shareholder who is Not acting as Director {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.nonDirectors.length }}
Name {{ shareholder.firstName }} {{ shareholder.middleName }} {{ shareholder.lastName }}

Company {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.companies.length }}
Following are the details of Company {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.companies.length }}
Name {{ }}
Registered in Australia {{ shareholder.isAustRegistered }}
ACN {{ shareholder.registrationNumber }}
Registration Number {{ shareholder.registrationNumber }}
Who will execute documents on behalf of Corporate ? {{ shareholder.executorFirstName }} {{ shareholder.executorLastName }}

Joint Shareholder {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.jointShareholders.length }}
Following are the details of Joint Shareholder {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ company.shareholders.jointShareholders.length }}
Joint Holder {{ $index + 1 }}
Name {{ member.firstName }} {{ member.middleName }} {{ member.lastName }} {{ }} Co
ACN {{ member.registrationNumber }}
Minutes of Company
Name : {{ company.secretary.firstName }} {{ company.secretary.middleName }} {{ company.secretary.lastName }}
Date of Birth : {{ }}/{{ company.secretary.dateOfBirth.month }}/{{ company.secretary.dateOfBirth.year }}
City of Birth : {{ }} {{ company.secretary.birthPlace.overseasCity }}
State of Birth : {{ }}
Country of Birth : {{ }}
No Secretary is selected
Public Officer :  
Name : {{ company.publicOfficer.firstName }} {{ company.publicOfficer.middleName }} {{ company.publicOfficer.lastName }}
Date of Birth : {{ }}/{{ company.publicOfficer.dateOfBirth.month }}/{{ company.publicOfficer.dateOfBirth.year }}
City of Birth : {{ }} {{ company.publicOfficer.birthPlace.overseasCity }}
State of Birth : {{ }}
Country of Birth : {{ }}
No Public Officer is selected

Special Delivery Instructions

Instruction :
{{ company.instructions }}

Details of the first meeting of directors

Meeting type Proper meeting Circulated resolution
Place {{ company.meetingVenue }} {{ company.otherMeetingVenue }}
Date {{ company.dateOfMeeting | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy' }}
Time {{ company.timeOfMeeting | date: 'shortTime' }}
Chairman {{ company.meetingManagingDirector }}
Attend Directors {{ company.shareholders.directors[$index].fullName }}
You must uphold an agreement. I / we apply for registration of a company on the basis of the information in this form. I / we have the necessary written consents and agreements referred to in the application concerning the member and officeholders and I / we shall give the consents and agreements to the company after the company becomes registered. The information provided in this application and in any annexures is true and correct at the time of signing.
The information provided to ASIC in this form may include personal information. Please refer to our privacy policy ( for more information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek access to and correct personal information, and to complain about breaches of privacy.

Waiting for payment

Company "{{ app.appName }}" was registered by ASIC

Registration of "{{ app.appName }}" was rejected

Registration status for "{{ app.appName }}" is pending...

Your trial period has come to an end. Please log in to your Annature account and extend your service period.
Lower your costs, improve engagement and elevate customer satisfaction with Annature - Australia's leading digital signature provider, purpose built for all industries.
Please provide account data Please provide your Annature account details to link it to your Company123 account
Please enter full name
Please enter email. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter phone number.
Please enter valid password (At least 8 character).
Passwords must be the same.
Please enter business name.
Please select timezone.
Please enter account id. Please enter valid account id.
Please enter account credentials id. Please enter valid account credentials id.
Please enter account credentials key. Please enter valid account credentials key
Please provide email for every recipient
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please provide data for every recipient
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter person name.
Please provide data for every recipient
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter executor first name.
Please enter executor last name.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter executor first name.
Please enter executor last name.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Please enter email address. Please enter valid email address.
Envelope status: {{ app.envelope.status }}
Name Email Status
{{ }} {{ }} {{ x.recipientStatus }} Change email Resend email
{{ annature.error }}


{{ | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy h:mma' }} {{ $index + 1 }}. {{ log.header }}
{{ log.description }}
Details are not available