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03 9832 0660

Online ABN Registration

Entity applying for ABN is:

Please select one option. This registration form is for individual ABNs only.

Please provide the following personal details

Business Address
Please tick if same as Residential Address

Please provide your Tax File Number (TFN)

Can't be blank Invalid TFN entered, please try again

Please provide you Main Business Activity


Would you like to register for GST?

Please select one option

Annual expected turnover of company?

How often will the company lodge GST?

If your Turnover exceeds $75k per financial year you must report GST on a quarterly basis. If turn over is less than $75k per year annual option is available.

Does the company intend to account for GST on a Cash basis?

GST is payable on income derived on a Cash basis, when income is received from the Customer.
GST may be claimed on expenses when physical payment is made to a GST registered supplier.
GST is payable on income derived on a Accruals basis, when and invoice is issued to the Customer (irrespective when a payment is made).
GST may be claimed on expenses incurred when supplier presents you with a tax invoice.


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Contact Details

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